Zapraszamy do uczestnictwa w Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej, organizowanej przez Katedrę UNESCO Całożyciowego Poradnictwa Zawodowego (Instytut Pedagogiki, Uniwersytet Wrocławski), która jest organizowana z okazji inauguracji działań międzynarodowej sieci współpracy UNITWIN NETWORK “Life designing interventions (counseling, guidance, education) for decent work and sustainable development”, skupiającej 17 uniwersytetów z całego świata.

Odpowiadając na potrzeby współczesnego świata, nękanego przez liczne kryzysy, będące skutkami wzrostu populacji, wyczerpania zasobów naturalnych oraz zanieczyszczenia środowiska, proponujemy podjęcie refleksji nad nowymi wyzwaniami dla poradnictwa, jakimi są dążenie do sprawiedliwości społecznej, solidarności i dialogu.

Te trzy elementy są ze sobą ściśle powiązane: sprawiedliwość społeczna oznacza takie warunki życia i rozwoju społeczeństw, w których zarówno jednostki, jak i grupy, mają zapewnioną możliwość osiągania tego, co im się należy. Tak rozumiana sprawiedliwość zakłada poszanowanie godności osoby, obronę należących jej praw i przezwyciężanie wszelkich form dyskryminacji. Postawa solidarności wymaga z kolei sprawiedliwości w podziale dóbr i w wynagrodzeniu za pracę. Dostęp do godnej pracy natomiast umożliwia stworzenie bardziej ludzkich warunków życia i sprawiedliwego porządku społecznego. Istotnym i koniecznym warunkiem takiego stanu jest dialog jako postawa akceptacji i partnerstwa, dzięki której konflikty i napięcia mogą być łatwiej likwidowane, a przez to możliwy staje się pokój, również w skali globalnej.

Nierówności gospodarcze i społeczne na świecie domagają się opracowania nowych strategii pomagania, adresowanych w szczególności do osób marginalizowanych i zagrożonych wykluczeniem społecznym. Szczególną role w tym zakresie ma do odegrania poradnictwo kariery, które jest nie tylko interakcją między doradcą a klientem, ale również elementem pomocy i polityki społecznej. W trakcie konferencji chcemy pracować nad stworzeniem platformy wymiany doświadczeń i informacji w tym zakresie. Zapraszamy do udziału naukowców, praktyków oraz studentów. Tematy konferencji będą koncentrowały się wokół następujących zagadnień:

  • Na ile działania prowadzone w obszarze doradztwa i poradnictwa mogą przyczynić się do solidarności i społecznej sprawiedliwości?
  • Jakie modele pracy doradcy będą najbardziej adekwatne w sytuacji pomagania w uzyskaniu godnej pracy?
  • Jak zmodyfikować dialog doradczy, aby umożliwiał wzmacnianie potencjału klientów oraz ich poczucie godności i sprawstwa?
  • Jakie nowe techniki i narzędzia należy opracować, aby praca doradcy odpowiadała na potrzeby różnorodnych grup klientów?

Jesteśmy przekonani, że poradnictwo może stać się bardziej skuteczne i znaczące tylko wtedy, gdy połączymy i wzmocnimy nasze działania na rzecz solidarności, sprawiedliwości społecznej i dialogu.

Z wielką radością informujemy, że prof. Jean Guichard został odznaczony Medalem Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Wyróżnienie przyznawane jest wybitnym badaczom, których działania w istotnym stopniu przyczyniają się do rozwoju Uniwersytetu i wspierają współpracę akademicką i kulturalną. Ceremonia wręczenia Nagrody odbędzie się podczas sesji plenarnej pierwszego dnia Konferencji.

Miejsce konferencji: Instytut Pedagogiki, Uniwersytet Wrocławski

Obrady plenarne będą się odbywały w języku polskim i angielskim. Sekcje mogą być prowadzone w językach innych, o ile zbierze wystarczająca się grupa uczestników.

Opłata konferencyjna obejmuje koszty uczestnictwa we wszystkich sesjach plenarnych, sesjach tematycznych, dyskusjach, materiały konferencyjne, tłumaczenie symultaniczne, przerwy kawowe, catering oraz uroczystą kolację. Koszty dojazdu, zakwaterowania i wyżywienia uczestnicy pokrywają we własnym zakresie.

Przed 30 kwietnia 2018 - 750 zł / Po 30 kwietnia 2018 - 800 zł 

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Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Pl. Uniwersytecki 1
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W tytule przelewu prosimy podać : UNESCO Conference 2018


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Międzynarodowy Komitet Naukowy:


Prof. Maria Eduarda Duarte (UNESCO Chair Holder, University of Wrocław, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon, Portugal)- przewodnicząca

Eduarda Duarte is Full Professor at the University of Lisbon, Faculty of Psychology, where she directs the Master Course in Psychology of Human Resources, Work, and Organizations. Her professional interests include career psychology theory and research, with special emphasis on issues relevant to adults and the world of work. She is research director of Career Guidance and Development of Human Resources Services. Her publications and presentations have encompassed topics on adult's career problems, testing and assessment, and counselling process. She is since 2005 Chair of the Portuguese Psychological Society; she also served on editorial boards for some Portuguese, European, and Iberia-American journals. She was the Director of the National Institute of Guidance (2009-2014). She is President of Counselling Division, IAAP. She is Fellow Award – IAAP (2014), and ESVDC award 2015. She is also National Defence Adviser, since 2006.



Jean Guichard (UNESCO Chair, University of Wrocław, Poland & CNAM, Paris, France) – honorowy przewodniczący

Jean Guichard is Emeritus Professor of vocational and counseling psychology at the Institut National d'Etude du Travail et d'Orientation Professionnelle (INETOP), a department of the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers(CNAM) in Paris, France. He used to be in charge of this Institute (from 1996 to 2002). He is currently in charge of the UNESCO Chair on "Lifelong Guidance and Counseling" at the University of Wroclaw (Poland). Jean Guichard studied philosophy and psychology at the University of Lille. He became successively a school and career counselor, a senior lecturer at the University of Lille and a tenured professor at the Sorbonne University in Paris. He authored different career education workshops, a form of counselling interview for life designing and different articles and books (notably, with Michel Huteau, "Psychologie de l'orientation", translated into Arabic, Italian, Polish and Portuguese). Jean Guichard was awarded with an honorary doctoral degree by three Universities (East Finland at Joensuu, Lisbon and Buenos-Aires). He received an award from the American Psychological Association (Society of Counseling Psychology) and from the European Society European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counselling. Jean Guichard's main research themes are the factors and processes of the self's construction and the different modes of relating to occupations and professions. His synthesis of works on the dynamics of subjectivation (Lifelong self's construction) provides a general framework for constructivist life designing dialogues and for some career education workshops (as the DAPP methods – Découvertes des Activités Professionnelles et Projets Personnels – Identifying Work Activities and Future Plans). Jean Guichard supervises Doctoral or Master's dissertations, mainly on the following themes: Dynamism of the self's construction (in adolescents and young adults); Processes of the self's construction during counseling dialogues; Relations between social position and cognition of social objects as occupations; Analysis and assessment of school and career development interventions.


Prof. Gabriela Aisenson (University of Buenos-Aires, Argentina)

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Aisenson is a PHD at the University of Psychology from Buenos Aires (UBA), and at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), Paris, France. She is a professor at the University of Buenos Aires, in the department of psychology and teaches the subject of "vocational psychology and career counseling", to the graduate, masters and doctorate. She is the Research Director of three projects approved and funded by the University of Buenos Aires and the Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica (UBACyT). Her subjects of research focus on the development of lifestyle, projects and identity of young people, in relation to their possibilities of achieving a decent job. Currently, she is researching about the relationship between professional projects and family and social paths of young people from socially vulnerable areas. She is the director of the program "Guidance in Career Counseling", at the University of Psychology of Buenos Aires. She has written several chapters from books specialized in career counseling and articles for national and international magazines. 


Prof. Jean-Luc Bernaud (INETOP-CNAM, France)

Full professor of psychology and career counseling. After 16 years as Professor of Work Psychology at Rouen University, Jean-Luc of Counseling Psychology and Vocational Guidance at the CNAM-INETOP (National Institute of Work Study and Vocational Guidance, Paris). He was Visiting Professor and has nitiated collaborations with Germany, Belgium, Canada, Italy, Moldova, Switzerland, and Togo. He is also editor of the review "Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations" since 2011 and associate director of the review "L'orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle" since 2005. Research topics: Existential psychology, work meaning and life meaning, Career counseling: processes and effects, Work conditions, organizational support and career mobility.


Prof. David Blustein (Lynch School, Boston College, USA)

David L. Blustein is a Professor in the Department of Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology at the Lynch School of Education at Boston College in the United States. David conducts research on career development, the psychology of working, work-based transitions, poverty, unemployment, and relational theories of working. He is the author of "The Psychology of Working: A New Perspective for Career Development, Counseling, and Public Policy" and the editor of the recently published "Oxford Handbook of the Psychology of Working." These two books, along with much of his recent work, are devoted to creating a broad and inclusive approach to understanding the role of work in people's lives, optimally encompassing everyone who works and who wants to work. In addition, David has consulted with state, national and international government agencies on issues pertaining to career development education and the school-to-work transition process.

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Prof. Valérie Cohen-Scali (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France)

Valérie Cohen-Scali is PhD in Social Psychology, and Professor in Career Counseling and Guidance at Inetop-Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (Cnam), Paris, France. She is Researcher at the Center of Research on Work and Development (CRTD) and responsible of the career counselling and guidance lab. She is in charge of a master’s degree in Work and counselling psychology at Cnam. She is deputy Director of the scientific Journal L’Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle [School and Vocational Guidance]. She is member of the scientific board of the European Doctoral Program in Career Guidance and Counseling (ECADOC) and of the Unesco Chair on Life Long Guidance and Counseling (since 2013). Her current research projects concern the self construction during transitions and representations of work of young adults in different work situations, the career aspirations towards green, social and solidarity organizations, and Life and Career Counseling Dialogues.

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Prof. Annamaria Di Fabio (University of Florence, Italy)

Annamaria Di Fabio is associate professor of Work and Organizational Psychology in the Department of Education and Psychology at the University of Florence, Italy. She is Rector's delegate for "Psychological counseling in guidance and job placement" and director of both the following International Research and Intervention Laboratories: Psychology for Vocational Guidance and Career Counseling (LabOProCCareer) and Positive Psychology and Prevention (PosPsyc&P). Her main research interests are: counseling psychology, career and life construction counseling, guidance, effectiveness of intervention, work and organizational psychology, decent work, poverty, diversity management, emotional intelligence, positive psychology and prevention. Editor of Counseling Italian Journal of Research and Intervention and co-editor of Orientation Scolaire et Professionnelle, she has been the author of more than 140 peer reviewed articles and 60 books or chapters in books since the beginning of 1998. A regular keynote speaker, she was invited for a State-of-the-Science Lecture in Psychology of Counseling at the 30th International Congress of Psychology (ICP) in 2012 in South Africa and she was the co-president of the UNESCO Chair Conference in Florence (Italy) 2015.


Prof. Geneviève Fournier (CRIEVAT, Université Laval, Québec, Canada)

Geneviève Fournier is a full professor of career counseling in the Department of Foundations and Practices in Education, Faculty of Education, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, and chief researcher at the Research and Intervention Center on Education and Working Life (CRIEVAT). Her teachings focus on the different facets of human work, such as changes in the value of work throughout history, women and work, and on the theoretical foundations of counseling practices. She also supervises the practical training master's degree students in guidance and counseling. She has conducted research on the professional path of different populations of workers, such as young graduates from high school, technical and university courses or workers aged 45 and over. Her current research activities focus on the challenges of contemporary professional paths, professional and life transitions, the meaning of work and the identity building process throughout life.


Prof. Christian Heslon (Catholic University of the West, Angers, France)

Christian HESLON, PhD. Maitre de conférences en Psychologie des âges de la vie (UCO-Angers, France). Responsable du Service d’orientation. Responsable du Master de Psychologie sociale et du travail «Accompagnement et conseil en carrière et formation». Chercheur CRTD, Équipe Psychologie de l’orientation (EA 4132, CNAM-INETOP Paris, France). Membre du réseau UNESCO-UNITWIN Lifelong interventions for decent work and sustainable development (Wroclaw, Poland)


Prof. Alicja Kargulowa (DSW, Wrocław, Poland)

On graduating from the Higher School of Education in Gdańsk in 1962 with an M.A. degree in pedagogy, I took up employment at a counselling centre. As a counselling practitioner, I enrolled in a Ph.D. programme at the University of Gdańsk (1972-1975), combining work and research. Having earned the doctoral degree with a dissertation on the operations and mechanisms of the counselling centre I had worked for, I got an appointment at the University of Wroclaw, where I continued my research on counselling and obtained the doctor habilitatuts degree in 1986 and full professorship in 1999. I performed various functions in the University's management bodies. I was a member of the Senate commission for young scholars' development and represented the Council of the Faculty of Historical and Pedagogical Sciences in the University Senate. In collaboration with other Polish universities and research centres, I organised a cycle of nationwide scientific seminars devoted to Counselling in the Contemporary World (1979-1995) and worked on a theory of counselling – counsellogy – that germinated there. I devised and developed also a curriculum for „Counselling" – a new study major within Pedagogy, training counsellors and guidance counsellors. As a Vice-Head for Science at the Institute of Pedagogy, I launched and supervised a doctoral programme in education and psychology and the Interpersonal Contacts School, a post-graduate programme for pedagogy and psychology graduates. In 1999, I relocated to the newly founded University of Zielona Góra, where I was Head of the Counsellogy Section and launched a major in Counselling, offered to the students of Pedagogy and training future counsellors. Currently, I am Professor at the University of Lower Silesia. In my research I have always focused on counselling in a broad sense of the term, including theoretical, methodological and empirical facets of counselling conceived as a social practice. I have published six books and about 100 articles and edited eight volumes addressing these issues. I have supervised multiple M.A. theses and eight Ph.D. dissertations. My former Ph.D. students are now university lecturers. I am a member of PTP (Polish Pedagogical Association), WTN (Wroclaw Scientific Society), IAEVG/AIOSP and a founding member of NTP (Counsellogical Association) and the ESVDC. I am Editor-in-Chief of the bilingual Studia Poradoznawcze.


Prof. Andrzej Ładyżyński (Insitute of Pedagogy, University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Professor at the University of Wrocław, a PhD in Pedagogy of a specialty in Social Pedagogy. At the beginning of the academic career he was occupied with the history of education in the second half of the XIXth century in Galicia. Gradually, the interests were expanding and focusing on the problems of the contemporary family, adoption and foster parenthood. The author of PhD dissertation concerning the following subject: Social and cultural conditionings of the adoption in Poland (Społeczne i kulturowe uwarunkowania adopcji w Polsce), Kraków 2009, coauthor of the book Adoption is a gift (Adopcja jest darem), Wrocław 1999, coeditor of the didactic scripts and a few corpora of the publications mainly dedicated to the family. The author of more than 100 articles and reviews. He specializes in the Family Pedagogy. He is a director of the Department of Counsellogy at the Institute of Pedagogy at the University of Wrocław. As a systemic therapist of a family he is a member of Zespół Terapii Rodzin przy Centrum Psychiatrii Dzieci i Młodzieży „Neuromed" in Wrocław. He self-develops himself taking part in the workshops and trainings, where he revises his own work.

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Prof. Jacobus Gideon (Kobus) Maree (University of Pretoria, South Africa)

Prof. Kobus Maree (DEd (Career Counselling); PhD (Learning Facilitation in Mathematics); DPhil (Psychology)) is a full Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Pretoria. His main research interests are career construction (counselling), life design (counselling), emotional-social intelligence and social responsibility, and learning facilitation in mathematics. He links research results to appropriate career choices and to life designing. Past editor of a number of scholarly journals, and a member of several national and international bodies, he has received multiple awards for his research. Prof. Maree has authored or co­authored 100+ peer­reviewed articles and 55 books/ book chapters on career counselling, research and related topics since 2009. Over the past seven years, he has spent a lot of time abroad as a visiting professor. Moreover, he has presented numerous keynotes and invited workshops at conferences across the world on a) integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches in career counselling, and b) the art and science of writing scholarly articles. Prof. Maree was awarded a fellowship of the IAAP at the ICAP Conference in Paris in July, 2014. In September 2017, he was awarded PsySSA’s Fellow Award at the PAPU Congress in Durban, South Africa.


Prof. Mary McMahon (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

Dr Mary McMahon is an Honorary Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at The University of Queensland, Australia where she taught career development and narrative career counselling. She is an Executive Member of the Career Industry Council of Australia. She is a developer and co-author of the internationally recognised Systems Theory Framework of Career Development which takes a holistic ‘individual in context’ view of career development. Mary researches and publishes on career development across the lifespan and narrative career counselling.


Pr. Laura Nota Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy)

Laura Nota is professor at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, University of Padova. She is Delegate of the Rector for Disability. She is Director of the Larios Laboratory and of the University Centre for Research and Services on Disability, Rehabilitation and Inclusion, at University of Padova. She directs the post-graduate Master Course in 'Coaching for vocational guidance and school and work inclusion'. She is also President of the European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counseling (ESVDC) and of Italian Association for Vocational Guidance (SIO). She is the scientific coordinator of the European Doctoral Programme in Career Guidance & Counselling (ECADOC) funded by European Commission and member of the Steering Committee in the Nice project. She is associate editor of the International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance and of Journal of Police and Practice in intellectual disabilities, member of the editorial board of the Journal of Vocational Behavior and of the Journal of Career Development. She is member of the Life Design International Research Group, of the Career Adaptability International Collaborative Group. Research activities concern the fields of career counseling and psychology of disability and inclusion. As regards career counselling, research efforts are directed toward the study of variables and processes in life design models, setting up of instruments, planning of interventions programs and their verification, with children, adolescents and vulnerable people.


Prof. Maria Paula Paixão (University of Coimbra, Portugal)

Maria Paula Paixão is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra, Portugal. She has a PhD in Career Counseling, and teaches Motivation and Emotion at the undergraduate level and several courses in Educational Psychology both at the Master and at the Doctoral levels of the Psychology training programme at the University of Coimbra. She is also associated to the Interuniversity Doctoral Programme in Educational Psychology, jointly managed by the Universities of Coimbra and Lisbon and is an integrated member of the Research Centre of the Cognitive and Behavioural Studies and Intervention Nucleus (R & D Unit), working in the Cognitive and Behavioural Processes and Change: Health and Psychopathology in Different Settings research group. She currently serves as Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Coimbra. She has several national and international publications on the topics of counseling psychology, lifelong guidance and counseling, and motivation and time perspective. She is a founding member of the European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counselling.


Prof. Magdalena Piorunek (University of Poznań, Poland)

Magdalena Piorunek is a professor of the humanities specialising in pedagogy and the head of the Social Guidance Department at the Faculty of Educational Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Her academic interests focus on the guidance theory and practice, and particularly on vocational career courses (vocational biographies) from a life-span perspective and career guidance, but also include social pedagogy, occupational pedagogy and theory of education. Magdalena Piorunek has authored numerous research projects and over a hundred publications in the above fields, of which the following monographs are of major importance: Dziecko w relacjach ze światem zawodowym [A Child in Its Relations with the Vocational World] (1996), Projektowanie przyszłości edukacyjno-zawodowej w okresie adolescencji [The Designing of the Educational and Vocational Future in Adolescence] (2004), Bieg życia zawodowego człowieka. Kontekst transformacji kulturowych. [The Course of A Human's Vocational Life. The Context of Cultural Transformations] (2009), and was the editor of the following collective papers: Młodzież w świecie współczesnym. Z badań orientacji biograficznych młodych okresu transformacji [Youth in the Contemporary World. Of the Studies of the Young People's Biographical Orientation in the Transformation Period (2004), Człowiek w kontekście pracy. Teoria-Empiria-Praktyka [The Human in the Labour Context. Theory - Experience - Practice] (2009), Pomoc-wsparcie społeczne-poradnictwo. Od teorii do praktyki [Aid - Social Support - Guidance. From Theory to Practice.] (2010), Poradnictwo. Kolejne przybliżenia [Guidance. Further Approximations] (2011) and Rodzina. Młodzież. Dziecko. Szkice z teorii i praktyki pomocy psychopedagogicznej i socjalnej [Family. Youth. Child. Sketches in the Theory and Practice of Psychopedagogic and Social Support (co-authors: Kozielska J., Skowrońska-Pućka A., 2013), Dymensje poradnictwa i wsparcia społecznego w perspektywie interdyscyplinarnej [Guidance and Social Support Dimensions in the Interdisciplinary Perspective (2015). Magdalena Piorunek is in charge of the master's degree studies in the Faculty of Pedagogy, specialising in the psychopedagogic guidance and support as well and crisis prevention and intervention; she is also responsible for the master's degree courses in the psychopedagogic support and educational coaching.


Dr. Violetta Podgórna (Insitute of Pedagogy, University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Dr Violetta Drabik-Podgórna, Vice-Head of the International UNESCO Chair of Lifelong Guidance and Counselling and Adjunct Professor in the Counselling Studies Department at the Institute of Pedagogy, University of Wrocław. Her research focuses on contemporary career-design counselling and ethical factors and dimensions in counselling. She has organised and co-organised multiple international and nationwide conferences. She has authored a book on Innowacja edukacyjna w poradnictwie zawodowym. Aplikacja rozwiązań francuskich [Educational Innovation in Vocational Counselling: An Application of French Models] (2005), edited Poradnictwo między etyką a techniką [Counselling Between Ethics and Technique] (2007) and co-edited Poradnictwo w kulturze indywidualizmu [Counselling in the Culture of Individualism] (2010), Counselling and Dialogue for Sustainable Human Development (with J. Guichard and M. Podgórny, 2016), Zawód czy kompetencje? Wymagania rynku pracy a wspieranie rozwoju kariery [Vocation or Competencies?: Labour Market Demands and Career Development Interventions] (with M. Podgórny, 2016). A personal development trainer, career counsellor and certified coach (ICC), she lectures on psychological and educational help-provision, career counselling, counselling intervention methods, career management, professional development support and professional ethics.


Dr. Marek Podgórny (Insitute of Pedagogy, University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Dr Marek Podgórny, a co-coordinator of the International UNESCO Chair of Lifelong Guidance and Counselling and Adjunct Professor in the Adult Education and Cultural Studies Department at the Institute of Pedagogy, University of Wrocław. For over fifteen years, he has served as Vice-Chair of the Institute of Pedagogy, UWr. He develops curricula and is a director of post-graduate programmes for future experts in social marketing and continuing education, adult education managers and trainers and career counsellors. His interests focus on methodologies of social research, adult education, organisation and management theory, knowledge management and coaching. He has published widely on these topics. He ha salso co-edited Counselling and Dialogue for Sustainable Human Development (with J. Guichard and V. Podgórna, 2016), Zawód czy kompetencje? Wymagania rynku pracy a wspieranie rozwoju kariery [Vocation or Competencies?: Labour Market Demands and Career Development Interventions] (with V. Podgórna, 2016). A personal development trainer and certified tutor and coach (ICC), he uses holistic approaches in his work. He specialises in career, educational, employee and life coaching. He co-devised the Coaching for Students programme and has coached under it for the last six years.


Prof. Jacques Pouyaud (University of Bordeaux, France)

Jacques Pouyaud, PhD is Senior Lecturer in vocational and counselling psychology at the University of Bordeaux (laboratory of psychology EA 4139) and associate member at the Center of Research on Work and Development (CRTD). He also participates on the scientific board of the Unesco Chair “Lifelong Guidance and Counseling”. He is member of the executive board of the European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counselling (ESVDC). He researches and publishes on the processes of self-construction throughout life course, and psychosocial transitions. He studies the dialogical processes supporting changes during counseling interviews. He also develops practical applications for counselors. 


Prof. Marcelo Ribeiro (University of San Paulo, Brazil)

Professor at the Social and Work Psychology Department (graduate and postgraduate studies), doctoral supervisor, Director of the Work Applied Psychology Center, and Coordinator of the Career Counseling Service at the University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Received his PhD in career counseling from the Psychology Institute, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Currently involved in studies of identity construction, career construction, working activity, organizational processes, and psychosocial vulnerability. Has published over 70 journal articles and book chapters mainly focused in career construction, identity construction, and psychosocial relationships, in the interface between organizational and work psychology and career counseling. Brazilian representative of the Latin American Network of Professionals in Guidance and Counseling, former president of the Brazilian Association for Vocational Guidance and Career Counseling, Consultant of the Ministry of Labour and Employment for career guidance issues, and member of ESVDC (European Society for Vocational and Career Counseling Designing).


Prof. Jérôme Rossier (Institute of Psychology, University of Lausanne, Switzerland)

Jérôme Rossier is currently full professor of vocational and career counseling psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Lausanne. He is the editor of the International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance and member of several editorial boards of scientific journals such as the Journal of Vocational Behavior or the Journal of Research in Personality. His teaching areas and research interests include counseling, personality, psychological assessment, and cross-cultural psychology. He published a great number of articles and book chapters mainly about vocational counseling, cross-cultural, and personality issues. He recently co-edited the Handbook of life design: From practice to theory and from theory to practice. He participated actively to many international research projects, such as the personality across culture research or the international career adaptability project. He is currently member of the Psychological and educational sciences evaluation panel of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF).


Prof. Salvatore Soresi (Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy)

Salvatore Soresi. He is a full professor at the Department of Developmental Psychology and Socialization, University of Padua. He is member of the Scientific Committee of Larios Laboratory, of the University Centre for Research and Services on Disability, Rehabilitation and Inclusion, and member of the Executive Board of the Italian Society of Vocational Guidance. In 2008 he received an award from the Society of Counseling Psychology (APA), in 2013 from the ESVDC for his envisioning work in career field, and in 2014 the award 'For Distinguished Contributions to International Counseling Psychology' from the International Association of Applied Psychology. In 2000 he has received the 'High patronage of the President of the Italian Republic' for the Magellano Project. He is member of the Life Design Group, of the Career Adaptability International Collaborative Group, and of the Steering Committee in the NICE project. He is the founder and the coordinator of Italian University Networks on Counseling (from 2012). He is the author of about three hundred publications, more than twenty books, and a number of important assessment instruments. As regards vocational psychology and career counseling, research efforts are directed toward the study of variables involved in Life Design model and toward the planning of preventive intervention programs (for vulnerable persons, persons with disabilities, immigrants, ecc.). In recent years he has studied the theme of the career counselors competencies.


Prof. Alicja Szerląg (Insitute of Pedagogy, University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Alicja Szerląg - associate professor at the University of Wroclaw, head of the Department of Pedagogy, head of the chair of Social Pedagogy at the University of Wroclaw. In her scientific and research activity she concentrates on the following issues: cultural identification in cultural borderlands, permeation of cultures on historically formed cultural borderlands, cultural identity, socialization in culturally diverse families, functioning of cultural minorities in a multicultural society, the sense of citizenship in multiethnic societies, axiology of the cultural borderland, cross-cultural education, Polish education in Lithuania, and Polish cultural legacy in the Vilnius region. The subject of her research interests also embraces multicultural references of the process of the resocialization and penitentiary influences addressed to foreigners remaining in penal institutions, making the attempt to determine cultural conditions of these processes. The outlined scope of research interest is reflected in numerous academic publications of the author, scientific conferences organised by her, as well as in the cooperation with Polish and foreign scientific centres. She is the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Multicultural Studies. She is the advisor of doctoral dissertations and master's theses, which concern cultural (religious, ethnic, national) diversity from the perspective of cross-generational transmission. She is a reviewer of doctoral dissertations, as well as the reviewer of academic achievements to a post-doctoral degree and the professor appointment procedures in Poland and in Lithuania. She also displays scientific activity as a member of editorial committees of the following journals: Pedagogika, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences; Journal of Pedagogy and Psychology SIGNUM TEMPORIS; Riga Teacher Training and Educational Academy Management; Czech - Polish Historical and Pedagogical Journal. Journal of the Faculty of Education of University Brno Masaryk; Family Upbringing, History of the Education Chair at the Institute of Pedagogy, University of Wrocław. She is a member of the Pedagogy of Culture and the Cross-cultural Education Division at the Committee of Pedagogic Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and an expert at the Polish Accreditation Committee.

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Prof. Sanna Vehviläinen (University of Eastern Finland)

Sanna Vehviläinen, PhD, is adjunct professor in adult education, professional supervisor, acting professor of career counselling. Her research interests include: conversation analytic research on counselling and psychotherapeutic interaction; combining conversation analytic and outcome approaches in the study of counselling, guidance and supervision encounters; pedagogy and higher education development; developing communities through counselling and guidance methodologies. She has written several textbooks on counselling and guidance. Based on the work on counselling and guidance interaction and an application of activity theory, she has developed a pervasive generic model for counselling and guidance activity, which she has applied to numerous training contexts. Her future interests include theorizing counselling and guidance based on virtue ethics, as a praxis of dialogue. She also practice as a private professional supervisor and trainer.


Prof. Guðbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir (University of Iceland, Iceland)

Guðbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir, Ph.D. is professor in career counselling and guidance Faculty of Social and Human Sciences School of Social Sciences University of Iceland. Research: Social group differences in occupational thinking is a focus of research, especially from the viewpoints of habitus theory and gender research. Another focus is evaluation of career education and counselling. The history of guidance and counselling in Iceland is also an area of research. Career adaptability, both in theory and practice has resulted in the creation of a measurement tool to be used in Iceland. I have also developed an internet tool to be used in career counseling in Iceland. A new area of expertise is the use of narrative theory in guidance with special emphasis on using literary theory in analysing narrative counseling.


Prof. Richard Young (University of British Columbia, USA)

Dr. Richard Young is Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of British Columbia. He is a Fellow of both the Canadian Psychological Association and the American Psychological Association and a Registered Psychologist in British Columbia. His research interests include the application of action theory and the qualitative action-project method to a variety of research topics, including the transition to adulthood, families, career development, counselling, health, and suicide. Prof. Young’s current research is focused on an intervention for young immigrants and refugees as they transition to a new country based on the joint projects in which they are engaged with others.  His most recent co-edited book, addressing the application of action theory to counselling practice, is book is Counseling and action: Toward life-enhancing work, relationships, and identity (R. A. Young, J. F. Domene, & L. Valach, Eds., Springer-Science, 2015)



Program konferencji

Czwartek, 24 maja 2018

Oratorium Marianum, pl. Uniwersytecki 1 


9.00 – 9.30 Rejestracja uczestników 

9.30 – 9.45 Otwarcie konferencji – władze Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego

prof. Adam Jezierski – Rektor Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego

prof. Alicja Szerląg – Dyrektor Instytutu Pedagogiki

Wprowadzenie do konferencji – prof. Maria Eduarda Duarte (University of Lisbone, Portugal, UNESCO chair on Lifelong Guidance and Counseling, Uniwersytet Wrocławski)

09.45 – 10.00 Ceremonia wręczenia Medalu Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego dla prof. J. Guicharda (INETOP-CNAM, Paris, France)

10.00 – 11.00 Wykład plenarny prof. J. Guicharda (INETOP-CNAM, Paris, Francja; Katedra UNESCO, U. Wr.)

Jaką rolę może odegrać katedra UNESCO oraz Program Współpracy Sieci w dziedzinie poradnioctwa konstruowania kariery i życia ?

11.00 – 11.30 Przerwa na kawę

 11.30 – 13.00 Dyskusja panelowa moderowana przez prof. Kobusa Maree (University of  Pretoria, South Africa)

Zastosowanie strategii skontekstualizowanego poradnictwa kariery w celu wspierania poradnictwa na rzecz solidarności, dialogu i sprawiedliwości społecznej


Uczestnicy :

prof. Marcelo Ribeiro (Uniwersytet Sao Paolo, Brazylia)

Hybrydyczne rozumienie i dialog międzykulturowy: Dwie główne zasady  konstruowania skontekstualizowanych działań poradnictwa kariery

prof. Valérie Cohen-Scali (INETOP-CNAM, Paris, Francja), prof. Jacques Pouyaud (Uniwersytet Bordeaux, Francja)

Dwie dialogiczne metody poradnictwa konstruowania życia i kariery wspierające tranzycję dorosłych ze szkoły do pracy

prof. Sanna  Vehviläinen (University of East Finland)

Umiejscowienie władzy w interakcji poradniczej

dr Joanna Minta (DSW, Wrocław)

Poradnictwo kariery dla "pominiętych" - jak wspierać osoby nisko wykwalifikowane

prof. Kobus Maree (University of Pretoria, South Africa)

Zastosowanie strategii skontekstualizowanego poradnictwa kariery w celu wspierania poradnictwa na rzecz solidarności, dialogu i sprawiedliwości społecznej

13.00 - 14.00 Lunch 


Część II planarna

14.00 – 14.30 Wykład plenarny prof. Jean-Pierre Dauwalder (Uniwersytet w Lozannie, Szwajcaria)

Konstruowanie życia i atraktory

14.30 – 15.00 Wykład plenarny prof. Alicja Kargulowa (DSW, Wrocław)

Homo consultans – problem czy nowa szansa dla poradnictwa

15.00 – 15.20 prof. Marcelo Ribeiro (Uniwersytet Sao Paolo, Brazylia)

Koncepcja kariery – autonomia czy opresja? Powiązania władzy i konstruowania wiedzy w obszarze doradztwa i poradnictwa kariery.

 15.20 – 15.40 prof. Ewa Solarczyk – Ambrozik (UAM, Poznań)

Dynamika zmian w obszarze pracy a rozwój studiów karierowych

 15.40 – 16.00 prof. Gudbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir (Uniersity of Iceland)

“Ja tylko tak dziwnie mówię, ale myślę zupełnie składnie.” Zmiana perspektywy: Konstruowanie kariery z emigrantami powracającymi do ojczyzny

16.00 – 16.20 prof. Bożena Wojtasik, dr Anetta Perświet-Sołtan (DSW, Wrocław)

Wzmacnianie poczucia wartości i sprawstwa klienta w dialogu doradczym

 16.20 – 16.40 prof. Meenakshi Chhabra (Lesley University, USA)

Od przetrwania do rozkwitu: Zmiany dyskursu w kontekście konfliktów


16.40 – 17.00 Dyskusja


19.00 - Uroczysta kolacja

Hotel Jana Pawła II

Ostrów Tumski

 Piątek 25 maja 2018

Instytut Pedagogiki, Uniwersytet Wrocławski,  ul. Dawida 1


9.00 – 9.30  Wykład plenarny - prof. Kobus Maree (University of Pretoria, South Africa)

(Re)Konceptualizacja, innowacja i integracja metodologii i interwencji w poradnictwie kariery na rzecz rozwoju dialogu, szerzenia zrównoważonej godnej pracy i krzewienia sprawiedliwości społecznej


9.30 – 11.30 Sekcje tematyczne


Sekcja I:

Les interventions en construction de carrière et en éducation visant le développement humain durable et le travail decent / Interwencje konstruowania kariery i edukacja, prowadzące do zrównoważonego rozwoju ludzkiego i godnej pracy

Język francuski

Moderator: prof. Valérie Cohen-Scali (INETOP-CNAM, Francja)


prof. Marcelo Ribeiro (Uniwersytet Sao Paolo, Brazylia), prof. Maria Eduarda Duarte, (University of Lisbone, Portugal, Katedra UNESCO, U. WR.))

En quête des moyens diversifiés pour promouvoir des trajectoires de travail durables et décentes: le cas des jeunes dans le secteur informel / W poszukiwaniu różnorodnych środków promowania zrównoważonych i godnych trajektorii pracy: przypadek młodych ludzi w sektorze nieformalnym

 prof. Gudbjörg Vilhjálmsdóttir (University of Island)

La construction de soi de femmes faiblement qualifiées, victimes de violence domestiques / Proces konstruowanie siebie  -  przypadek  kobiet słabo wykwalifikowanych, ofiar przemocy w rodzinie

 prof. Gabriela Aisenson (Uniwersytet Buenos Aires, Argentyna)

Quelles interventions en conseil d'orientation pour contribuer à la réalisation de parcours de vie soutenables et à l’insertion dans un travail décent de jeunes vulnérables en Argentine? / Jakie interwencje poradnictwa konstruowania kariery i życia mogą przyczynić się do realizacji trwałych ścieżek życia i do włączenia do godnej pracy zagrożonych młodych ludzi w Argentynie?

 prof. Jacques Pouyaud (Université de Bordeaux), prof. Valérie Cohen-Scali (INETOP-CNAM), prof. Jean Luc Bernaud (INETOP-CNAM), prof. Issa Abdou Moumoula (Université de Koudougou, Burkina-Faso)

Trois interventions en life design pour accompagner des jeunes en situation de migration / Trzy interewencje Life Design jako pomoc dla młodych ludzi w sytuacji migracji

 Sekcja II: 

Poradnictwo i doradztwo a globalne wyzwania naszych czasów

 Język angielski

Moderator: prof. Jérôme Rossier  (Uniwersytet w Lozannie, Szwajcaria)


prof. Christian HESLON (UCO-Angers, Francja)

Lifelong Guidance and Counseling toward Decent Work. From the Riverin-Simard's Planets to Global Challenge's for Today / Całożyciowe doradztwo i poradnictwo na rzecz godnej pracy. Od teorii planet Riverin-Simard do globalnych wyzwań naszych czasów.

 prof. Damien Canzittu (Université de Mons, Belgia)

Comment penser l’Ecole du 21e siècle sous le prisme de l’orientation scolaire et professionnelle ? Vers une approche orientante de l’Ecole (How to think the 21st century School under the prism of educational and career guidance ? Towards guidance-oriented approach for  School) / Jak myśleć o szkole XXI wieku przez pryzmat poradnictwa edukacyjnego i zawodowego? Ku poradniczemu podejściu do szkoły ?

prof. Emilie Carosin (INAS, Université de Mons)

Addressing 21st century challenges in career guidance : a conceptual framework to guide tools development for 12 to 14 year old pupils, in French speaking Belgian schools / Jak radzić sobie z wyzwaniami wobec doradztwa kariery w XXI wieku: Rama koncepcyjna wspierająca opracowywanie narzędzi dla uczniów w wieku 12-14 lat we francuskojęzycznych szkołach Belgii.

prof. Kestutis Pukelis (Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania)

Self as Biopsychosocial construct /  ”Ja” jako konstrukt bio-psychospołeczny


 Sekcja III:

Odmiany doradczego dialogu na rzecz godnej pracy i dobrego życia

 Język polski

 Moderator: prof. Bożena Wojtasik (DSW, Wrocław)


Prof. Alicja Czerkawska (DSW, Wrocław)

Dialog poradniczy jako droga do siebie i dobrego życia

 prof. Elżbieta Siarkiewicz (DSW, Wrocław)

Komunikowanie w poradniczych procesach. Zaangażowanie - zaufanie – opór                                                                                                         

dr Agnieszka Skowrońska-Pućka, dr Joanna Kozielska (UAM, Poznań)

Niedyrektywne formy wspierania w doradztwie zawodowym

 dr Joanna Nawój-Połoczańska (Uniwersytet Szczeciński)

Doradztwo zawodowe - między wygaszaniem a reaktywacją i kontyngencją

dr Anna Wawrzonek (UAM, Poznań)

Wzmacnianie potencjału klientów - w kierunku budowania dialogu międzypokoleniowego w miejscu pracy

 dr Grażyna Teusz (UAM, Poznań)

Przymus szczęścia i sukcesu a pragnienie godnego życia. Pozorny czy realny dylemat egzystencji?

dr Marek Podgórny (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)

Wspierania zarządzania wiedzą osobistą na rzecz godnej pracy

dr Violetta Drabik-Podgorna (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)

Odpowiedzialność jako cel i norma etyczna w dialogicznym poradnictwie w erze Antropocenu


Sekcja IV:

Praca między przymusem a godnym życiem - ciągłość i zmiana w poradnictwie kariery

 Język polski

 Moderator: prof. Ewa Solarczyk-Ambrozik (UAM, Poznań)


prof. Jolanta Lenart (Uniwersytet Rzeszowski)

Praca przymusowa w Powszechnej Organizacji "Służba Polsce" w latach 1948 – 1955

prof. Jolanta Wilsz (Uczelnia Warszawska im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie, Warszawa)

Implikacje koncepcji stałych, indywidualnych cech osobowości człowieka dla poradnictwa zawodowego

prof. Magdalena Piorunek, dr Iwona Werner (UAM, Poznań)

Psychospołeczne czynniki ryzyka w środowisku pracy. Rekomendacje dla praktyki poradniczej

dr hab. Małgorzata Rosalska (UAM, Poznań)

Empowerment jako cel i metoda realizacji ofert doradczych dla studentów

dr Magdalena Barańska (UAM, Poznań)

Scenariusze przyszłości pracy jako katalizator zmian w obszarze doradztwa zawodowego

dr Małgorzata Mikut (Uniwersytet Szczeciński)

O potrzebie zaangażowania społecznego - priorytety dla poradnictwa całożyciowego

 dr Agnieszka Dragon (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)

Filozofia sprawiedliwości naprawczo - zadośćuczynieniowej w mediacji


11.30 – 12.00 Przerwa na kawę

                         Sesja posterowa:

                          Prof. Gabriela Cabrera (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México) 

                        Violent attitudes and behavior in high school senior students / Agresywne postawy i zachowania uczniów starszych klas szkół średnich

                         Aneta Parzoń (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)

                         Znaczenie komunikacji niewerbalnej w pracy doradcy konstruowania kariery i życia

                           Mariola Ziomek (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)

                         Możliwości działań doradczych w przeciwdziałaniu dyskryminacji kobiet na rynku pracy


12.00 – 12.30 Wykład plenarny prof. Maria Eduarda Duarte (University of Lisbon, Portugal, kierownik UNESCO Chair)

Budowanie więzi – «  jesteś odpowiedzialny za swoją różę... »


12.30 – 13.45 Sesja sprawozdawcza z pracy w sekcjach. Podsumowanie i zakończenie konferencji


13.45 – 14.15 Lunch


14.15 -  16.15 Spotkanie członków UNITWIN NETWORK i wybory kierownika merytorycznego projektu

16.15 – 16.45 Przerwa na kawę

16.45 – 17.45 Spotkanie Rady Naukowej Katedry – podsumowanie działań

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Katedra UNESCO

Instytut Pedagogiki
ul. Dawida 1
50-527 Wrocław

tel.: +48 71 367 23 16,
+48 71 367 20 01 wew./ext. 128
fax: +48 71 367 23 16

e-mail: unesco.chair@uwr.edu.pl